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Gratitude, Thank You's, Graduations and Cicadas

Writer: Marilyn CrutcherMarilyn Crutcher

Last year I created seventy things that I wanted to do before turning seventy in November, and posting on Facebook for seventy straight days was one thing on my list. Each day I posted things that brought me joy, things that I was curious about, and things that made absolutely no sense. Posting for seventy days was one of my favorite things to do from my list. After quite an eventful week, I decided again to share some random things about this past week that brought me joy.

This week I made the last daily post in my favorite gratitude journal that I received as a gift from a dear classmate/sister/friend in December 2019. My first journal post was on 12/9/2019 and my last was this week on 5/15/2024. I misplaced it several times so there were some large posting gaps between 2020 and 2022 when I wasn't journaling consistently. I got my act together and did much better in 2023 and 2024. The first weekly quote on page one in December 2019 is a happiness quote by Denis Waitley The last weekly quote on the last page in May 2024 is by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I believe that I loved this journal so much because of the inspiring quotes. Until I find another gratitude journal that I really like, I'll fill the small plastic jar with my many blessings.

I recently became a part of a ministry at church that offers support to members who are experiencing illness, bereavement, and also births of new babies We send cards and letters of support and encouragement to the members and their families. This week I received two thank you cards thanking me for the cards that I sent them. I was not expecting them and they brought me joy. "Remember, there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." ~ Scott Adams

Two graduates to the first grade this week and one high-school graduate next week has been exciting. Both kindergarten celebrations were wonderful. Xavier got to walk the red carpet and had three wardrobe changes, and Alex talked her Mommy into checking her out of school early so that she could go eat crab legs for lunch with her cousin. Graduating to the first grade is really a big thing now I guess. As far as the high school graduation this week, my granddaughter is having an outside celebration afterwards and the cicada invasion is at it's peak. Anyone attending the celebration who isn't afraid to get out of their cars will have to encounter thousands of these harmless but huge scary looking bugs. Xavier is scared of them and was super excited when I told him that once they disappear in a few weeks, he won't encounter them again until he's nineteen. I confess that I won't miss the cicada chorus that have been performing in my front and back yards for a couple of weeks. Not many folks were standing around in the church parking lot today talking. People were sprinting to their cars like it was the 100 yard dash at the Olympic Trials to avoid the cicadas. I didn't sprint though, I was like power walking.

"Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices." ~ Robert Braathe





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