"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." ~ Joel A. Barker
"The best vision is insight." ~ Malcolm Forbes
Another discovery while purging and cleaning out things in my home, four vision boards that I had stored in the back of a closet. I have no idea why I had them squirreled away in the closet, but finding them and reading them again has me in my feelings in a good way surprisingly. When I first saw them I immediately morphed into a version of ME that I've worked very hard to change. This version of ME is sometimes extra hard on myself for not following through on my plans or intentions and for being a bit of a procrastinator. I saw them as unfinished business and just something else that I failed at. But I am proud of the version of ME that can now tap into changing my mindset and granting myself some grace and mercy.
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." ~ Wayne Dyer

After having a short pity party, I was able to reset my mindset and my thoughts around finding the vision boards changed. I was able to recall the fun memories of searching through really old Essence and Ebony magazines and books for words or images to illustrate my desires and visions. Looking at them again allowed me to also refocus and celebrate the things that I had accomplished and to even find joy in the number of times that chose the words: faith, love, kindness, grateful, healthy, happiness, and family.
I haven't decided yet what I'll do with the vision boards, but I won't return them to the closet. I'm leaning toward hanging them in my garage for easy access when I need a reminder that I really love and appreciate this version of ME that I'm becoming. However the #GetMovingGirl sign that I made with the beautiful Debbie Allen picture will continue to hang on my closet door for inspiration for a few months until I turn seventy one years young. Keeping hope alive y'all.

So to answer my own question, visions don't have an expiration date until you start believing that they do.